Elementary english

Listen vs. Hear. Hissə 1.

Test ID - 47252
Müəllif: Author: english-test.net (Əlavə edilib: 23.03.2011)

I ......... attentively to the lecture on philosophy but I still didn't understand much of it.

was hearing
was listen


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Which of these is a passive sentence? It is ..........

He's been there
He's been taken there
He's been going there
He will have been there

Mike: It's getting very late, we must hurry up.
Jane: .........

Point got.
Point received.
Point taken.
Point held.

In ......... I agree.


You said you would, .........

would you?
Did you?
had you?
didn't you?

Christine and Jack are hoping to buy a house. .........

They sold their house this year.
They already bought a brand-new house.
They want to sell their house.
They want to buy a house.

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