Elementary english

Chit Chat: In the theatre. Hissə 1.

Test ID - 49013
Müəllif: Author: english-test.net (Əlavə edilib: 22.06.2011)

Alice: He was really good in that. Oh look, he's suddenly stopped and started ..........



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Mike: You know the boss will be angry with you.
Jane: .........

I'm not caring.
I'm not at all caring.
I care nothing.
I don't care.

Mike: 'Hello. I wonder if you're interested in new double-glazing.'
Jane: '.........'

I'm really not interested.
I'm really interesting.
I'm not really interesting.
I wasn't really interested.

Mike: 'If the party wins the next by-election, things might get better.'
Jane: '.........'

There's no case of that.
There's no chance of that.
There's no promise of that.
There's no concept of that.

Jill: 'I had some good news today - I've won the lottery.'
Frank: '.........'

Well I never!
Well I rarely!
Well I frequently!
Well I occasionally!

Sometimes I ......... what the teacher says to me.

don't understand
am not understanding
understand not

Hi, can I speak to Mr. Smith? .........

Yes, but can you hold for a moment please?
Yes, but can I have another card please?
I agree. Let's talk about it later.

Go shopping/We/Fridays/On

We go shopping on Fridays
Fridays on we go shopping
On go shopping we Fridays
Fridays we on go shopping

Look at these pens.Are .... yours?


I listen with my ...........


Where did you buy your furniture? .........

Wow, that's cheap.
You shouldn't pick it up. It's too heavy.
I got it at the Urban Barn.
The customer is always right.
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